To cater for the whole man Spirit, Soul, and the Body  

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Welcome and thank you for visiting us at Celebration Center's online information and resource center. At Celebration Center, we're about life connections. Life connections with Jesus Christ and life connections with Orphans and Destitute Children worldwide. It is our mission to allow Jesus to love, to light, and to lead through us as we reach out to our society in relevant ways and heartfelt service to cater for the whole man spirit, soul and body. We are a purpose-driven church with a passion to see our society reached with the salvation of Jesus. Our services include passionate worship, prayer, teaching & preaching the word of God, and relationship building of new believers. Are you hungry to know Jesus in a deeper way? Are you ready to see God's purposes fulfilled in your life? Come and join us as we journey together in pursuing His divine purpose! Jesus Cares and loves you.



For me to fulfill the vision that God has called me to do in fulfillment of the Great Commission, we need like-minded Churches, Ministries, Christian organizations and Individuals who have desire and passion to serve God with the same vision and purpose to partner with us to first and foremost glorify God and be of great blessing and source of direction to people as they know Jesus and know Him better despite their geographical location.

The ministries running as at this time are Children's Ministry, Women Ministry, Men Ministry, Youth Ministry, and Training Discipleship Ministry to equip  seasoned workers for this era and beyond. What a privilege it is to avail yourselves in the hands of the Lord to partner with a visionary Church like this to help save the lost souls in Kenya, Africa and the world at large. Remember, together we change the world.The rewards of two is better than one.

Yours in the Kingdom,

Pastor Naftal K. Ondieki.